Attractions need visitors. They also need their money. But what do you do about those disruptive characters who pop up to spoil your day?
Well the truth is, you don't need them. I've wasted many an hour talking and writing to disgruntled people, those who make a business from complaining, those who feel they have a right to some level of special treatment for various reasons (and they will cite loads!)
They drain you, they fill your front-line teams with dread, they make you want to hide when you see their body language as they head towards you. They can become your focus.
So think about how many people visit your place, who love it, who are polite, who smile, who say thanks, who lift your heart. They are the people who need your energy. They are the ones who will make your attraction a successful one - because they will keep on coming back.
Here's three things to think about:
- Match rudeness with a calm firmness.
- Remember, for every negative individual, there'll be 10 happy visitors
- Celebrate the moments visitors give you every day that remind you of why you also love your place
Have you considered how investing your team to manage situations like this could build their confidence? I can share my experience of doing just that.
