Right now, if you're running any kind of attraction or hospitality business, you'll know that change is the new norm. But at the same time, your visitors also need reassurance of the familiar. How on earth do you achieve that in every changing times?
Wherever we go right now we're faced with PPE, hand sanitiser and signs, lots and lots of signs. All of it absolutely necessary and welcome, of course. In fact, if you go somewhere that's lacking, you immediately walk away.
But as individuals, we also want to cling on to some level of familiarity and comfort in our surroundings. The reason we return to places time and time again is because we know what to expect and suddenly, we've had the comfort blanket ripped from under us.
Right now clear communication is a must and for many businesses, diversifying the offer is essential, but none of it has to mean a change in personality.
As well as the long list of what's changed, how about some examples of what remains exactly the same, just like the sign below? And what about a bit of personality to make people smile?
This sign did just that. It made us smile as we ordered our food via a QR code, as we spoke to staff with masks on and as we queued for the loos. It said everything we needed to hear, but with a personality that told us the restaurant really cared about its customers.
Remember all that work you put it to building your reputation for a great experience? Don't lose it. Check the personality of your place sill coming though in everything you do. And if you need a fresh pair of eyes to help, come and talk to me.