Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Birmingham Botanical Gardens wanted support to develop its visitor experience as the team looked to deliver a new operational model supported by external funding.
I delivered a health check which identified areas of opportunity to develop their offer to both attract new people and increase income from those who already visit.
This was used for a series of workshops with the leadership team and trustees to identify the best way forward to support the changes they wanted to make. The sessions helped identify quick wins, opportunities for longer term investment and areas where the cost outweighed benefit.
A 12-month quick win timeline was produced as an output of the workshops so the team could start thinking about introducing immediate change as well as adding clarity for the funding bid.
James Wheeler, Birmingham Botanical Gardens Chief Executive, said: “What Amanda did best was help us see ourselves as our customers do, warts and all! This enabled us to list and prioritise the things we could do to improve our visitor experience in the immediate future, and what we should aspire to achieve in the medium to longer term."